22 February 2009

Pseudocurses: Now with extra thoughtfulness!

I'm pondering several deep questions as I write. Actually, only two of them, and they're not very deep. It just makes me feel smarter to call it pondering several deep questions. Firstly: Why am I continuing to write stuff that anyone visiting this page can see? Secondly: Why don't people who write advertisements spell-check first? If you're going to, like me, post things on the internet, you might as well spell them right.

As usual, I have nothing much to write about, so today I'm going to sit and type all the things that come into my head.

I'm bored...I'm hungry...I can't think of anything...this is taking too long...why am I doing this...ooh, veggie sausages...this house is loud...yay, irritating Cassee...why is Robby humming...I want two sausages...no, Sluggy is a stupid name for a Magcaro...I don't care if it's level fifty-six, it's still a stupid name...

Wow, what fascinating insight into what I think about. I always thought that I spent my time thinking about important things, but obviously I don't. Please pretend that whenever I don't say anything, I'm thinking about the meaning of life, not vegetarian sausages. I usually have illustrious thoughts; I'm just, I don't know, having a bad thought day.

I think I'll tell you about the last book I read. It was probably Fruits Basket again, but I threw that off to the side before I was halfway done. I get annoyed when I read manga because the authors can do beautiful drawings and I get jealous. See, I've always wanted to do something beautiful, and since my art is crap, I try to write beautifully. I just don't do very well with that,  either, so I'm stuck writing sarcastically and hopefully kind of humorously. Wow, I'm getting so personal. Really letting out my feelings here. Now you know how I feel, even more than when I shared my thoughts about veggie sausage.

Anyway, the last actual book (book as in not manga) I held in my hands was City of Ashes. I was too lazy to finish it again, even though I keep telling Erin I'll do it. I read it this morning for an hour before I finally stumbled out of my room. That's progress. Then I read it again for a while and got to the part where Alec is a jerk about Magnus. That part makes me cry every time. I feel a list coming on...

Parts of Books that Make Me Cry Almost Every Time I Read Them:
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Bellatrix dies
  • Breaking Dawn when Bella kills and drinks blood from a mountain lion
  • The Realms of the Gods when Rikash dies
  • City of Ashes when Alec is a jerk
  • Wide Awake at the ending (tears of joy)
  • Freak Show when Billy doesn't get voted prom queen
  • Annie on My Mind at the ending (tears of joy)
  • And many more that I can't think of at this moment but will have me shedding tears the next time I read them.
Well, I'm off for a Family Fun Night in my place of residence. Au revoir, adios, farvel, Auf Wiedersehen, selamat berpisah, sudie, adeus, dovidenia, and just plain goodbye.

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