26 February 2009

Garbage trucks make strangely pretty sounds.

I heard a sort of chiming noise today while I was typing, and lo and behold, it was the friendly neighborhood garbage truck. I had no idea they could sound so pretty. Garbage trucks seem kind of nasty and garbage filled, but they're really lovely sounding.

I had yet another dream that I was a man. I think that's supposed to mean something. Probably that I need to find inner harmony. I don't care, though. I'm not really interested in inner harmony right now. The guy dreams are funny, anyway. They're exactly the same as my other dreams, except I just know that I'm a guy.

I have my writing music on, so cross your fingers and hope this will be a long post. Use the power of positive thinking! I love positive thinking. It's amazing. With positive thinking, anything can happen! We can fly to the forking moon if we want to! Yay! Optimism!

My writing music is--please don't be creeped out by this--bubblegum dance. That's what they call it. Like Barbie Girl by Aqua, Butterfly by Smile.dk (it was on DDR)...It's kind of creepy at times and has no point, but I like it. I write better when I have meaningless lyrics in my ears. At least, that's my theory. It might not be true, but I have more fun this way.

Okay, now that you know about my love of scary music, I'm moving on. Keyboard: check! Ten fingers: check! Writing music: check! Inspiration: ...not check. What's the opposite of check? Slash? X? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I have no inspiration. I am inspirationless. There is no inspiration inside my soul at this point in time. Try again in five to seven business days.

I've just noticed yet another thing about myself, which I will try to put into words for your reading enjoyment. I live my life for you, you know. I slave over these posts. I spend ages sitting around at the computer putting off blogging and futzing around on Facebook. It's a tough lifestyle.

Anyway. In lots of teen girl things (novels, movies, et cetera), the girl has to choose between two guys. I know this because I am a teen girl and therefore have been exposed to many teen girl things. Usually (this is what I think, anyway; I'm sure not everything is like this) one of them is the nice, cute guy who's her friend. She usually ends up being freaked out by him wanting to be more than friends because she's into Other Guy. Other Guy is often a bad boy and/or tall, dark and mysterious. I can't really think of any examples off the top of my head, so I'll write my own.


"Aethelfrith," said Aiden, looking at the ground because he was very shy and all shy people spend inordinate amounts of time staring at dirt, "I really like you."
Aethelfrith was shocked. "Aiden!" she exclaimed, staring at him with her mouth open wide enough for a small airplane to fly in. "I am shocked! Up until this very moment, I had not even stopped to consider the fact that you might be in love with me, even though that would be a very convenient plot point!"
Aiden became suddenly engrossed in watching himself scuff his foot against the floor. Aethelfrith considered his adorable brown eyes and scruffy blonde hair. She had thought of him like a brother ever since she had been born, but he was actually very cute, now that he had mentioned his love for her. "Do you really like me, too?"
"Um," said Aethelfrith; for truly, she was in love with Azrael, the handsome but mysterious boy who had shown up under cover of darkness and camped out in her driveway all week. "Um. Can I get back to you on that, Aiden? Maybe we can have a chapter break here?"
Aiden stumbled away, now staring at the ground with a distinctly downcast air.
"Ha ha," said Azrael, appearing out of a cloud of darkness and the souls of fallen angels. He was too busy smoothing his wavy black hair to make one of the witty comments for which he was known, which was a disappointment to Aethelfrith.
"What's so funny, Azrael?"
"You are," he said, with a sneer that only enhanced his chiseled features. "You and that mouse of a boy you hang around with."
"Aiden is not a mouse," said Aethelfrith.
"I hate mice," remarked Azrael, disappearing in a puff of very manly black smoke. He left a faint smell of human failure and burnt toast behind him.
"Who should I choose?" cried Aethelfrith to the heavens as she fell to her knees. "Aiden is cute and loves me, but Azrael is handsome and eats misery for breakfast! Oh, how confusing my life is!" She shook her fist at the sky, which didn't respond. Air is not well known for it's communicative qualities.

Let us all agree that I could make a fortune writing novels for teen girls.

If I'm watching a movie or reading an animanga, I tend to root for the cute nice guy. If I'm reading a book, I pick the Other Guy. My theory for why I do that is this: In real life, I could more easily imagine myself with a cute nice guy. Movies and animanga (anything where I can see the character) remind me more of real life. So I pick the guy who's cute and nice, the guy who I would want to date.

If I'm reading a book, I pick the Other Guy. I have a reason for that, too. In books, the only thing you have to base a character's personality on is how they talk. Bad boy-type characters are almost always wittier and more sarcastic, which amuses me more. If I can't see the dude, it doesn't feel as real. Seeing really is believing!

Of course, it could just be that I like certain characters more than others, but that's not as fun. I can't write any more. That lovely example sapped my creativity. More writing shall come your way tomorrow, unless of course I get bored.

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