24 February 2009

Forking heck in a handbasket.

Ignore the title. It was the first thing I could come up on such short notice (short notice being the two days I've spent on this post). I know I should have sat down and worked on it earlier, but I was sure you would all be too busy with your lives to notice that I skipped out on blogging for a day. Or two. They're beginning to blur together in my mind.

Today I am going to go more in-depth on the subject I know you're all dying to hear about: why Pseudocurses? I know it's very hard to type into the search bar every time you want to read my magnificent blog--don't worry, I have trouble spelling it, too. It's just one of those words. The e comes before the u, if that helps.

I don't believe that swearing should be against the law or whatever. I really have nothing against people cursing when they drop hammers on their feet or when they lose the competition they've been training for all summer. Those are legitimate reasons. I'm against people swearing every fourth word just because they can. All words have power, and profanity has more power than most. Using it over and over again makes it lose its meaning, and I don't think profanity should lose its meaning. It's called profane for a reason.

I try not to curse out loud and I do find it offensive. I curse when I write, because I feel like some of my characters would swear. To me, that's not the same; it's them, not me. I know they're figments of my imagination, but still.

So next time you feel the need to say ---- in front of me, please restrain yourself. I carry soap in my coat pocket.

I'm making a list today of names I really like. It's going to be amazing. I like a lot of names, but I'm really too lazy to think of them all right now. So this is more of a partial list. If you could open up my head and look inside, you'd see them all, but please don't. I'm not in the mood for a lobectomy.

Names I Really Like:
  • Isabelle
  • Tom
  • Aethelfrith
  • Jessica
  • Suzannah
  • Jezebelle
  • Kaylan
  • Soren
  • Vyvyan
  • Matthew
  • Allison
  • Katrine
  • Valentine
  • Bellatrix
  • Liz
  • Emily
  • Juliette
  • Yvette
  • Noel
That's not counting things that are not names but are used as names, like Kashe or Butterfly. I like them, too.

Marker caps. Marker caps, also known as those little things you put on the end of markers, are very useful things indeed. Without them, markers would dry out and we wouldn't be able to use them. That would be sad, as markers are a staple supply for young children drawing stick figures. My main problem with marker caps is that you have to take them off before you can use markers. What's that supposed to be about? The things get lost so easily. You just put them down on the floor, and before you know it, they're halfway across the house under the sink. Evil but helpful. Isn't that how most things are?

I am too tired to write any more. This is because most of my blogging is done between the hours of 20:00 and 22:00. I should really blog earlier, but I'm lazy. Have I mentioned that I'm lazy? I'm lazy.

Goodbye, children of Earth.


  1. I see Isabelle and Valentine are on there. Where's Magnus?

  2. I don't really like the name Magnus, I just love the character. Besides, it's a word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

    Magnus- obs. Black oxide of manganese.
