14 February 2009

Broadcasting live from the land of working internet!

Preston has been down for the past few days. Preston is my internet connection. He and Remi (the computer) have been fighting a lot lately. Remi and Preston fight a lot, not like Remi and Frederick (the child's very large fake gun), who are biffles. Anyway, the inanimate objects around me quarreling cause me to be stuck not blogging for a few days. They say Preston'll start working again soon, but I'm not sure when soon is.

Today I went to the library with the cousin. (Yes, the cousin. I know I have another cousin, but only Audrey-chan gets to be the cousin.) She was subjected to the Libby Shelf-Pull Experience, which should not be confused with the Libby Transvestite Experience. The Libby Shelf-Pull Experience is the method I use to get my ten-book-high stacks every time I enter a library. I go over to a random shelf and scan it, thinking things like "I like that author" or "I've been meaning to read that" or "That book has a funny title" or "Ooh, a penguin! I'm reading it!" Then I pull it off the shelf and add it to my pile. I shelf-pulled five books for the cousin, but then she told me that was enough. She also called me a bibliophile and a dork.

The cousin told me to start reading manga. I started it, though, so I shouldn't be complaining. Too bad. Complaining is practically my hobby. For the Japanese-impaired, manga is a backwards graphic novel with out-of-proportion people who have eyes that take up half their heads. When people put manga on a television screen and animate everything, it's called anime. Anime is watched; manga is read. There is a very clear distinction. However, if you watched someone reading manga, that would be anime.

She decided to start me on Fruits Basket because it has a.) a plot and b.) minimal violence. Those two things make it good to reccomend, I suppose. Maybe in manga-world. So far, the first volume hasn't given me anything other than a desire to make a list.

Things That Annoy Me About Fruits Basket Volume One, Pages 1-39.
  • Yuki. I always thought Yuki was a girl's name, not a man's name. Also, there is one page where Yuki's eyes look faceted, kind of like a bug's eyes.
  • The fact that the book is backwards. I have trouble reading it still, because my eyes actually travel from left to right, top to bottom when I read. They say that comes from reading English books.
  • That's it, but I'm sure more things will pop up to bother me as soon as I pick it up again.

This keyboard is slowly driving me insane, and I'm hungry. Try to live for a few more days without my blog. I'm sure it'll be hard for you.

ttyl, infidelz~

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