04 February 2009

"..And then everyone would have holes in their heads!"adegrees m

Can you see the pattern developing here? I use a quote from my fascinating day as the title of a post, then I explain it in one of the first few paragraphs. Maybe tomorrow I'll mix it up a little, just to annoy you.
I thought yesterday was the last day we'd have to deal with our morbid class, but no. Two days spent talking about the most gory things we could think of? No, no, that's hardly enough. We need to spend our entire class periods talking about violence. At least, that seems to be the mindset of a certain person in my group.
We were trying to think about the logistics of a computer chip implanted in our brains to let us play music and such (it's going to happen someday, I swear) and I said, "It'd be really expensive..."
"I think it would cost three dollars," said that certain person. Okay, fine, it was Jaewoong.
"Three dollars? Jaewoong, that would be really, really hard to do. It would not cost three dollars."
"I think it would."
"I think it wouldn't."
"Well, they could make a machine with lasers on it, and they could go around shooting people in the head! And then everyone would have holes in their heads!"
"And they'd all just stick the chip in through the hole?"
Also in English, our Polish student raised his hand to ask, "We have learned about the Holocaust, and races, and nuclear fallout...Cannot we learn about, like, happy things or something?" See, even the foreigner sees through her plot to depress the Halifax out of us. And then probably make us all her slaves, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
True friends leave footprints in your heart. Excuse me for being literal, but that sounds painful. Thanks, but no thanks. I don't really want footprints in my heart. It would be pretty bad if you had to have heart surgery in the future, too. The doctor would have to ask why there were little footprints on your heart. Okay, if I think about that any more I'll be sick.
I'm going to list about a hundred names from this website (can I add a link to this thing?) Name Nerds because it has a list called: It Came From The Baby Name Book. It makes me laugh, and we all know how hard that is. Okay, I lie, but it's still funny. Maybe if I don't get bored I'll list some stuff from: What To Name Your Baby Goth. Or you could just look it up yourselves.
  • Conception
  • Asian
  • Dicklit
  • Hermaphrodite
  • Xanthippe
  • Phantasia
  • Ag
  • Trinidette
  • Kulukulutea
  • Fitzclarence
  • Abboid
  • Lepeet Hessemdooks
  • Tennis
  • Zdzislaw
  • Pervis
  • Lymphoid
  • Jock
Spiffy-kun, I know you love your page-missing baby name book, but please remember that baby name books have the stupid options as well as the other ones. If you're thinking about naming your child something dumb, just think about how horrible I plan to make life for my future child from the future. If you don't want your kid associating with Khaytelynne Aethelfrith Simone, tell me now.
Yarn. According to Dictionary dot com (yes, I'm going to put links everywhere now that I know how to make them), yarn is thread made of natural or synthetic fibers and used for knitting and weaving. Yes, both natural and synthetic fibers! Amazing. Lots of people in my family enjoy knitting, which is a hobby involving two pointy sticks and a lot of yarn. To knit, one makes little loops with their yarn and somehow forms all their yarn loops into an object. I've actually never knitted, so I have no idea what the finer points of knitting are. Before reading the definition for yarn, I hadn't realized that it was also used to weave. See how reading dictionaries and word-defining websites helps me? Yarn can also help me, I'm sure, even though I've only ever used it to tie up stuffed animals. Go out and buy some yarn to help the economy or something.
Today when the announcements turned on, I said, "It's temperature, not degrees!" The announcement person, being down in the SPC, ignored me. There was actually rampant ostracism at my place of learning today. Louis refused to listen to my imaginary friend's jazz riff, even though he spent an hour last night dilligently composing it. He plays a mean jazz oboe. Louis didn't care and then--horror of horrors--even sat on my imaginary friend. Such rudeness!


  1. Please ignore the extra letters in my title. They are a code to let the mothership know it's really me before they contact me.
