- Colors
- Butterflies
- The word natch
- British spellings of words
- British punctuation
- Punctuation
- Green cargo pants
- Characters who wear green cargo pants
- People who wear green cargo pants
27 February 2009
The words "Kimchi Kat" do not show up in that order on Google.
"stayhome mom & doting dad yearn for your baby"
- Decided the animanga was racist against the French for only offering Ja
panese and English subtitles
- Complained about Tohru having brown hair
- Complained about my complaining about Tohru's hair
- Informed the child that I am often hairist against those who are not blonde
- Complained about almost every character's voice
- Spent the first five minutes whispering to the child, "His voice is weird!"
- Burst into hysterical giggles every time Yuki talked
- Imitated Yuki's voice by putting my hand over my mouth and talking in a falsetto
- Resolved to look up who the voice actors were so I could laugh my head off at them
- Told the child he was acting like an animanga lover
- Assured the child that acting like an animanga lover was not a bad thing
- Giggled
- Snickered
- Laughed
- Read two books
- Yelled at Cassee (aka. Kimchi Kitty) until she ran upstairs
- Wrote Kimchi Kitty gusta Ponchita on a paper plate
- Decided to gasp and put my book (or hand) over my mouth every time anyone swore
- Decided that there were too many opportunites to do that in the animanga
- Complained about how profanity is affecting our children
- Decided to put my hand over my mouth and gasp loudly whenever people in real life swear
- Complained
- Complained about the songs during the credits
- Complained when the child skipped over the credits
- Listened to the child complain that I complained too much
- Told that child that I was complaining for the sake of complaining
- Actually watched the animanga
26 February 2009
Garbage trucks make strangely pretty sounds.
24 February 2009
Forking heck in a handbasket.
- Isabelle
- Tom
- Aethelfrith
- Jessica
- Suzannah
- Jezebelle
- Kaylan
- Soren
- Vyvyan
- Matthew
- Allison
- Katrine
- Valentine
- Bellatrix
- Liz
- Emily
- Juliette
- Yvette
- Noel
23 February 2009
Attack of the annoyingly entrancing animanga!
22 February 2009
Pseudocurses: Now with extra thoughtfulness!
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Bellatrix dies
- Breaking Dawn when Bella kills and drinks blood from a mountain lion
- The Realms of the Gods when Rikash dies
- City of Ashes when Alec is a jerk
- Wide Awake at the ending (tears of joy)
- Freak Show when Billy doesn't get voted prom queen
- Annie on My Mind at the ending (tears of joy)
- And many more that I can't think of at this moment but will have me shedding tears the next time I read them.
21 February 2009
Adverbially me.
- The mothership has become angry with me and used their futuristic devices to block the creative impulses from entering my brain.
- Subtle atmospheric differences are reducing the level of whatever it is in my brain that causes me to write.
- I'm lazy.
Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, got some adverbs here.
Come on down to Lolly's, get the adverbs here!
You're going to need
If you write or read,
Or even think about it.
Got a lot of lolly, jolly adverbs here.
Anything you need and we can make it absolutely clear...
An adverb is a word
(That's all it is! and there's a lot of them)
That modifies a verb,
(Sometimes a verb and sometimes)
It modifies an adjective, or else another adverb
And so you see that it's positively, very, very, necessary.
Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here.
Father, son, and Lolly selling adverbs here.
Got a lot of adverbs, and we make it clear,
So come to Lolly! (Lolly, Lolly, Lolly)
Hello, folks, this is Lolly, Sr., saying we have every adverb in the book, so come on down and look.
Hello folks, Lolly, Jr. here. Suppose your house needs painting -- how are you going to paint it? That's where the adverb comes in. We can also give you a special intensifier so you can paint it very neatly or rather sloppily.
Hi! Suppose you're going nut-gathering; your buddy wants to know where and when. Use an adverb and tell him!
Get your adverbs!
Use it with an adjective, it says much more,
Anything described can be described some more.
Anything you'd ever need is in the store,
And so you choose very carefully every word you use.
Use it with a verb, it tells us how you did,
Where it happened, where you're going, where you've been.
Use it with another adverb -- that's the end.
And even more...
How, where, or when,
Condition or reason,
These questions are answered
When you use an adverb.
Come and get it!
Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here.
Quickly, quickly, quickly, get those adverbs here.
Slowly, surely, really learn your adverbs here.
You're going need 'em if you read 'em,
If you write or talk or think about 'em ... Lolly! (Lolly, Lolly, Lolly)
Announcer: If it's an adverb, we have it at Lolly's! Bring along your old adjectives, too - like slow, soft, and sure. We'll fit 'em out with our L-Y attachment and make perfectly good adverbs out of them!
(Get your adverbs here!) Lots of good tricks at Lolly's so come on down.
(Lolly, Lolly, Lolly!)
Adverbs deal with manner, place, time,
(Lolly, Lolly, Lolly!)
Condition, reason,
(Father, son, and Lolly)
Comparison, contrast
(Lolly, Lolly, Lolly)
Enrich your language with adverbs!
(Lolly, Lolly, Lolly)
Besides, they're absolutely free!
(Lolly, Lolly, Lolly)
At your service!
You didn't get much in the way of verbiage today, but you got a very lovely and somewhat obnoxious song. That's a fairly good trade-off, I think. I'm sure Audrey doesn't think so. She gave me several death threats during the course of this blog, like this one:
*quiet seething voice* Blog or I will reach through the computer and throttle you.Pleasant, Audrey. You make me feel so loved.
20 February 2009
"Did you learn nothing from Willy Wonka?"
- People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children. -Bill Watterson
- If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either. -Dick Cavett
- Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. -Oscar Wilde
- Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to? -Clarence Darrow
- If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur. -Doug Larson
- Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. -Oscar Wilde
- One doesn't have a sense of humor. It has you. -Larry Gelbart
- We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. -Robert Wilensky
- The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution. -Hannah Arendt
- Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. -Lily Tomlin
- Don't accept rides from strange men, and remember that all men are strange. -Robin Morgan
- Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. -G. K. Chesterton
- War is not nice. -Barbara Bush
- Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try. -Fran Lebowitz
19 February 2009
I do not like them, Sam I Am.
- Trash Bag Fashion
- Halfway Decent
- The Fourth Wall
- Here Be Dragons
- Schrödinger's Cat
- The Maybe Girls
- Lifeline
- Loud Profanity
- Human Addition
- Far Far Away
- Fish And Visitors
- Die Klarinetten
- Tangible Refrigerator
14 February 2009
Broadcasting live from the land of working internet!
Today I went to the library with the cousin. (Yes, the cousin. I know I have another cousin, but only Audrey-chan gets to be the cousin.) She was subjected to the Libby Shelf-Pull Experience, which should not be confused with the Libby Transvestite Experience. The Libby Shelf-Pull Experience is the method I use to get my ten-book-high stacks every time I enter a library. I go over to a random shelf and scan it, thinking things like "I like that author" or "I've been meaning to read that" or "That book has a funny title" or "Ooh, a penguin! I'm reading it!" Then I pull it off the shelf and add it to my pile. I shelf-pulled five books for the cousin, but then she told me that was enough. She also called me a bibliophile and a dork.
The cousin told me to start reading manga. I started it, though, so I shouldn't be complaining. Too bad. Complaining is practically my hobby. For the Japanese-impaired, manga is a backwards graphic novel with out-of-proportion people who have eyes that take up half their heads. When people put manga on a television screen and animate everything, it's called anime. Anime is watched; manga is read. There is a very clear distinction. However, if you watched someone reading manga, that would be anime.
She decided to start me on Fruits Basket because it has a.) a plot and b.) minimal violence. Those two things make it good to reccomend, I suppose. Maybe in manga-world. So far, the first volume hasn't given me anything other than a desire to make a list.
Things That Annoy Me About Fruits Basket Volume One, Pages 1-39.
- Yuki. I always thought Yuki was a girl's name, not a man's name. Also, there is one page where Yuki's eyes look faceted, kind of like a bug's eyes.
- The fact that the book is backwards. I have trouble reading it still, because my eyes actually travel from left to right, top to bottom when I read. They say that comes from reading English books.
- That's it, but I'm sure more things will pop up to bother me as soon as I pick it up again.
This keyboard is slowly driving me insane, and I'm hungry. Try to live for a few more days without my blog. I'm sure it'll be hard for you.
ttyl, infidelz~
09 February 2009
Storming the SPC!
- Another Kind of Cowboy. This book is by Susan Juby, who is pretty awesome. I want to be like her when I grow up. Read Alice, I Think to see why. Anyway, the cowboy book is about this dude Alex who is busy riding dressage and being in the closet, and his biffle Cleo, who's busy being rich. The funniest part was a page near the end. I'm not telling you about it. Go read it yourselves.
- Generation Dead. Read my post two days ago. Then read the book.
- An Abundance of Katherines. Also known as that Katherine book. The plot was maybe a little predictable: "So there's this guy who only dates girls named Katherine, and he meets this girl--" "And her name's not Katherine, but he falls in love with her anyway." "How'd you guess?" I have mad skills. It was funny enough to make up for that. I like funny books.
- Rebel Angels. The sequel to A Great and Terrible Beauty. By that Libba Bray woman. She's funny. Her books are, occasionally. It's about girls at a boarding school in Victorian England who can, you know, go into a magical world and fight evil.
08 February 2009
Two trains are 120 miles apart.
07 February 2009
Zombie romance.
05 February 2009
My sincerest apologies.
04 February 2009
"..And then everyone would have holes in their heads!"adegrees m
- Conception
- Asian
- Dicklit
- Hermaphrodite
- Xanthippe
- Phantasia
- Ag
- Trinidette
- Kulukulutea
- Fitzclarence
- Abboid
- Lepeet Hessemdooks
- Tennis
- Zdzislaw
- Pervis
- Lymphoid
- Jock