22 March 2009

This blog post is shorter than some words.

Today is Sunday. In different places around the world, they call this fine day many different things, but I'm really not in the mood to list any of them. I'm not really in the mood to do much, but I feel obligated to post today. You see what writing this thing has done to me? I feel almost like I should be responsible.

Lolcats annoy me.

I just had to get that out there. They really do annoy me. I have nothing against the idea of putting captions on funny pictures. That's just wonderful, as far as I'm concerned. I just don't like the misspelled captions. They bother me. Yes, I'm sure there are many people who think the misspellings are all part of their charm, but I think they'd be just as funny if they were spelled correctly. Funnier, maybe, because it would take less time to figure out what the heck they're saying under all those z's and exclamation points.

Amazingly enough, it's becoming a lot easier for me to write the name of my blog. As they say, practice makes perfect. It used to take several tries for me to type Pseudocurses correctly into the little searchbar. Now I can do it the first time I try! My finger practically fly over the keys. I feel so fantastic. This is a great talent I have: being able to spell the name of my own blog. Next, I might try spelling someone else's blog.

Eva Hattie told me a few days ago that she wants a signed copy of my book when I write it (maybe even if it's my autobiography about the genius or stupid thing I do with my life). Yes, the people I talk to usually end up being quoted here. If you don't like it, get a sign to wear around your neck, something along the lines of: Libby, do not quote anything I say. Or, even better, you could print out this thing I just made up:

I, __________(your name here), do not give my consent for my words, spoken or written, to appear on the blog Pseudocurses.
__/__/__(date)  ___________________(your signature here) _________(your favorite color here)

Okay, lovely. Hand this to me at any point between now and our world's imminent doom on December 12, 2009, and it'll be totally valid for as long as I want it to be. The world is going to end on 21/12/12, obviously. It's common knowledge. Several ancient civilizations prophecied it, so it must be true.

I'm really not sure what else to write about. I mean, seriously. I've been over pretty much everything that's on my mind right now. I wrote a poem today, but I'm not going to tell you about it. I'll just mention it in passing and leave you to wonder. I feel so cruel.

Long Words:
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
  • Antidisestablishmentarianism
  • Honorificabilitudinitatibus
The only other long words I saw were actually too long to post, so I refrained.

I'm tired. Bye, infidels.


  1. Ooh!! Quote me!! I say some really stupid stuff!! It'll be exciting. Don't worry about the earth ending because when it does it won't matter anymore whether or not the straps are optional! That's on plus! Fo shizzle.

  2. you don't talk about the fabulous moi in your posts. i feel so inferior.
