26 April 2009

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Wasn't that profound? Yeah, I thought so, too. I've been reading dictionaries again, and not even the actual words in the dictionary, which would be semi-respectable. No, I've been reading the nifty section at the back known as Foreign Words & Phrases. It has such gems as plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. The dictionary translates this as the more it changes, the more it's the same thing. I'm just going to assume the dictionary knows what it's talking about.

Today, I saw someone wearing a shirt that said Go Blue Live Green. It was pretty fabulous.

I don't know what to write about, so I think I might venture out into the world of the Internet and find a blog post topic.

Let's see: make a satirical post. You know, I think that one might be too hard for me. I have trouble with this whole sarcasm thing as it is; I'm not sure I can write an entire satirical post.

Write a post like you are telling a story: once upon a time, there was a girl named Libby sitting at a computer. She was typing using the system known as hunt-and-peck because six or so years of typing lessons at school had been wasted on her. Many things were running through her mind, from I'm hungry to Why am I trying to write from this prompt if I know I'm not going to go through with it?

Make a [blank] for dummies post: procrastinating for dummies. Rule one: if you have something to do, don't do it. There, that covers everything.

Make a 101 Ideas post: ha ha. No.

Well, that list was useless. I'm moving on to another one.

Write a stream of conciousness post that is extremely emotive: OH MY GOSH!!! THE CHILD IS EATING ICE CREAM!!! FATHER IS EATING ICE CREAM!!! NOTHING IS RIGHT IN MY WORLD!!! I MIGHT HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP!!!!!! Sorry. Emotive to me means caps lock and excessive punctuation.

Coin a phrase which describes a phenomenon that currently has no description: unbloggable adj. unable to be blogged about.

Have you recently tried a different hairstyle? Why, yes, I have. I like this prompt. I think I might do it. A few days ago, I asked Mother to braid my hair in two braids, like pigtails but braided, before I went to school. I don't remember what people said about it. I think a few people thought it was cute. Someone got annoyed with me for gesturing with my hair. I took it out before the end of seventh hour because it was driving me nuts. Oh, and the back of my neck was cold all day. This is why I keep my hair long: it's remarkably good for keeping me warm.

Hey, this is fun. I think I'll do some more of these. Dear readers, if you don't like this, kiss my grits.

If you were granted three wishes by a genie, what would you wish for? I would really like to say I'd wish for something fabulous and noble, like world peace, but I don't think I would. I think I would wish for a laptop of my own, first of all. (What are the rules of this genie, anyway? Can I ask for something vague and in the future, like I wish to have, like, all my books sell if/when I become an author?) I can't actually think of many other things that I really want. It depends on if the genie can only give me material things or if it can give me concepts. I'm confusing myself. Okay, here's my list. It may or may not be true. One, a laptop; two, fame and fortune as an author; three, world peace.

These lists keep saying do an interview, so here I am conducting an interview with the cousin. While on my trip visiting Civil War battlefields, they taught me that if you want to have a duel with someone, you say you'll be taking an interview. Rest assured that the cousin and I are not going to duel. I'd probably die in the procces. I have terrible aim.

My Interview with the Cousin:
Me: I'm going to interview you for my blog.
Me: Did you die?
Her: Okie doke. No. I had to help Cara clean up steampunk junk.
Me: Why did Cara have steampunk junk?
Her: Because we were costuming today.
Me: I should warn you that I am copying this entire conversation, sans typos.
Her: Good good.
Me: I don't even know how to interview people. What am I supposed to do?
Her: Ask questions. I answer.
Me: Explain to my readers what steampunk is, in case they don't know. That's not a question, but I don't care.
HerSteampunk is an alternate cosplay world where electricity is not widespread and everything is powered by steam, including airships. The dress is fairly tricked out Victorian with lots of gears and fancy metal.
Me: I knew that, somehow. I think that Libba Bray woman wrote about it on her blog. Are you listening to music right now?
Her: No. I am listening to the sounds of nature and the mega-bass from my parents' too-loud movie.
Me: For gosh sakes, woman, put some music on so I can write about your strange musical tastes.
Her: Fine. Marilyn Manson--"This is the new s---."
Me: Did you try to pick something that you knew would annoy me?
Her: My new thing is drag. She's drag.
Me: I can't write that title on my blog, even though I just did. That's the whole point of pseudocurses.
Her: I am fully aware of that, little Libsies.
Me: That's it. This interview is terminated.
Her: Why? Continue to interview. I'll be appropriate for the younger viewers.
Me: You just called me little Libsies again, and I'm bored. Younger viewers? I have no younger viewers.
Her: True dat.
Me: Yeah, I'm terminating this.

What a lovely interview. Hey, infidels! Get on Facebook at the same time I get on Facebook, and I'll interview you for my blog! It'll be the best thing since sliced bread, seriously. I could have an interview every day for two days, at least!

That wasn't much of a blog post, but I had fun writing it.

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